
日期:2024-09-24 11:01:12 来源:可以画廊

展览 >新粮仓空间首展「筒仓,算力,垂直之梦」



Silo Dreams

   艺术家 Artists:

陈拍岸 Chen Pai'an

龚斌 Gong Bin 

经傲 Jing Ao 

李关帅 Li Guanshua

李喷泉 Li Penquan

李涛 Li Tao

李昕頔 Li Xindi

任莉莉 Li Li Ren

松郎 Song Long 

宛超前 Wan Chaoqian

谢林佑 Xie Linyou

邢万里 Xing Wanli

策展人 Curator:

陈鋆尧 Chen Junyao  

展期 | Exhibition Period


开幕 | Opening
2024.10.01 15:30-18:00


15# Building,  New Grain Warehouse, Shushan District, Hefei.
Open Monday to Sunday.


KeYi Gallery is pleased to announce the upcoming group exhibition "Silo, Computing Power, Vertical Dream," opening on October 1 at the New Space in Hefei. This will be the inaugural exhibition at the new grain warehouse KKP in Hefei. The exhibition will showcase 22 new works by 12 artists: Chen Paian, Gong Bin, Jing Ao, Li Guanshuai, Li Penquan, Li Tao, Li Xindi, Ren Lili, Song Lang, Wan Chaoqian, Xie Linyou, and Xing Wanli. The exhibition will run until November 17th.


The towering and undulating silos create a new space with a strong sense of spatial awareness, breaking free from everyday architectural forms. Amid the bustling traffic carrying grain and goods, within a city constructed of railways, bridges, and cranes, a massive, vertical concrete structure suddenly rises, contrasting and complementing everything around it under the flourishing city skyline.



As the inaugural exhibition of the gallery's new grain warehouse space, "Silo, Computing Power, Vertical Dream" begins with the establishment of this unique exhibition space: the silos, built at the turn of the century, have transitioned from storing reserve grain to focusing on the production of contemporary cultural content.



The architectural transformation of the space and the shifting contexts represent a change in the functional application of social space. The exhibition views this as a projection of the transformation of social activities and economic development, specifically showcasing the dynamics of postmodern labor and production relations under the dominance of emerging technology industries, algorithmic logic, and platform economies. It aims to outline and explore the nonlinear connections between social relations and spatial structures, addressing the current development status and challenges faced by contemporary cities.



The exhibition brings together paintings, videos, sculptures, and site-specific installations by 12 artists, analyzing and responding to the dramatic changes in social production structures and the resulting temporal and spatial fluidity that characterize contemporary social production relations and organizational forms. It aims to offer interpretations, reflections, and approaches for understanding the emerging social spatial practices that are present today and will become more prevalent in the future.


The predecessor of the new grain warehouse, the Anhui Mechanical Grain Storage Facility, was initiated in 1992. It served as a hub for grain procurement, storage, processing, and trade, facilitating grain reserves and circulation in response to the social context and demands of that time.


Today, the former six grain silos are repurposed as artistic spaces, while new silos are being rebuilt into cultural and commercial hubs as part of urban renewal. The transformation of the silos' functions symbolizes the translation of micro-social living environments, representing changes in social practices. The concrete walls, still bearing the remnants of rice husks, stand as a monument recording the shifts of an era. The qualities and meanings of the space itself become indices revealing the social and production transformations of the area.

©陈拍岸 Chen Pai'an
1609005210112 ‍
矢量图、艺术微喷 / Vector painting 、Ultragiclee
160 × 90 cm

独版 / Unique edition


Chen Pai'an has shifted away from the academic connotations associated with Abstract Expressionism, focusing instead on the logic of advertising application, bringing commodities as form, symbol, and material to the forefront of painting. He works across various media with humor and wit, oscillating between symbols and content. Using digital painting and micro-spraying techniques, he reproduces the sleek industrial product textures of modern scenes, conveying new stylized spatial visual experiences through technology. In both natural and artificial landscapes, he seeks a sense of the sublime.


©经傲 Ao Jing

哼的咳嗽 / Humph ! A Cough 


邻居家自然死亡的树,铜,铝,鱼钩,珊瑚,陶 瓷,皮,我妈种失败的葫芦

neighbor's tree that died naturally , copper , aluminium , fish hook , coral , ceramic , leather , rope , a gourd my mother planted unsuccessfully

230 × 140 × 120 cm(尺寸可变 / Size variable)
经傲探索各种质材在不同环境中成为雕塑、行为、影像的发生方式,在非二元对立的语境中,探索“物质”与“非物质 "、 “意识”与“无意识”间的暧昧关系。相较于当下以辩证思维为主导的艺术生产模式,经傲的创作更偏向于叙事性文学,通过不断地提出问题并在疑问中游走,将自身对生命所有的态度与抉择,均诚实地呈现于作品中。她的雕塑中材料物质性在不同环境中的偶然转化与发生,随机潜能与高度控制间存在了不同的复杂动态。

Ao Jing explores how various materials can manifest as sculptures, performances, and images in different environments, examining the ambiguous relationships between "material" and "immaterial," as well as "consciousness" and "unconsciousness," within a non-binary framework. Unlike the current art production models dominated by dialectical thinking, Jing Ao's work leans towards narrative literature. By continuously posing questions and navigating through uncertainties, she honestly presents her attitudes and choices regarding life in her work. In her sculptures, the materiality of the materials undergoes incidental transformation and occurrence in different environments, revealing complex dynamics between random potential and high control.

©李关帅  Li Guanshuai

脚步流淌遍布身心 / Footsteps flow through me 


布面油画 / Oil on canvas

200 × 300 cm


Li Guanshuai views the sacredness within the human psyche and the subtle emotions between humanity and divinity as realms of the unknown and the mysterious. This process is characterized by a progression from confidence to confusion, followed by the realization and integration of one's own understanding, shifting to disappointment and eventually to acceptance and engagement in the struggle. These stages appear disorderly in both his life attitude and his work. Subtle emotions are attached to grand, personified will; they are extended through imaginative elements in specific texts related to humanity, including the concretization of ritual and the visualization of faith. Li Guanshuai portrays the complex, fragmented, and confrontational nature of universal conditions through the interplay between humanity and divinity. However, this stems from his personal imagination and curiosity within the realm of faith. His paintings reflect contemporary individuals' new personal cognition and emotional judgments regarding the unknown, the divine, and rituals. The interplay of ancient and modern wills and personal motives in his life and art creates an ongoing and profound challenge.


©任莉莉 Li Li Ren

蜕 / Landscape from within



Canvas, yarn, silicone, Morchella, snake slough, lotus seed

400 × 200 cm


In Li Li Ren practice, she explores the ever-changing relationship between objects and space, often using biological interpretations and heightened fantasy to seek internal pathways of shape, content, and environment, thereby escaping the physical confines of real-world space. In constructing this world, Ren Lili seeks content that circulates among the Anthropocene, the ocean, biology, metamorphosis, and maternity, emphasizing the confusion or avoidance of the original meanings of both human and non-human entities, thus dismantling the stability of traditional humanism. This approach serves as a transcendental interpretation of the fragmentation and instability of contemporary society.


©宛超前 Wan Chaoqian

‍‍CH Inn. #04 


布面油画与丙烯 / Oil and Acrylic on canvas

180 × 170 cm

Wan Chaoqian defines domestic spaces through household appliances, providing a portrait of modern life while focusing on how technological advancements reshape spatial and experiential dimensions. By collecting and reinterpreting fragmented images from the internet, visual culture, and daily life, he creates an absurd and paradoxical landscape through diverse painting techniques. In Wan Chaoqian's work, abstract versus figurative, random versus predetermined, creation versus destruction, empathy versus indifference, and humor versus seriousness collide, exploring with rich layers the contemporary society’s endlessly engaging yet exhausting mechanisms of control and modes of existence.


©谢林佑 Xie Linyou ‍‍‍‍

War of Tomorrow 


CG 动画视频、有声 / CG Animated video, Sound

时长 / Duration:3"53'

版数 / Edition : 1/3 + 2AP

谢林佑的作品集人工智能、多元文化背景下的移民潮、电子游戏和散文诗的超现实,以贝托尔特·布莱希特的 In the Dark Times 为灵感,用碎片化的方式搭建了一个反乌托邦的现实框架—— War of Tomorrow一词是对我们今天面临的无数冲突以及未来即将到来的问题的隐喻:一场跨越文化、性别、政治等多个层面的战争。通过融合各种象征性元素,影像展现了一个崩解的超现实世界,通过五个虚构的场景,反映当今我们所面临的不同问题。这些场景通过一个类似水上游乐设施的方式连接在一起,形成一个循环,唤起我们对所面对挑战循环往复的感受。

Xie Linyou’s work combines elements of artificial intelligence, the immigrant wave within multicultural backgrounds, video games, and surrealist prose. Drawing inspiration from Bertolt Brecht's In the Dark Times, he constructs a dystopian reality through a fragmented approach. The term War of Tomorrow serves as a metaphor for the countless conflicts we face today and the issues looming in the future—a war spanning multiple dimensions of culture, gender, and politics. By integrating various symbolic elements, his images depict a disintegrated surreal world through five fictional scenes that reflect the diverse problems of our time. These scenes are interconnected in a manner reminiscent of an aquatic amusement park, creating a cycle that evokes our feelings of the repetitive nature of the challenges we face.


In the imagery, a 3D character stands on an illegal immigrant boat, which is constantly moving and equipped with a gaming PC, representing the intersection of individual conflicts within virtual frameworks and collective conflicts within real frameworks. The boat operates like a water park's lazy river—continuously advancing but ultimately returning to the starting point, symbolizing a journey without substantial progress. The prose poem that appears as subtitles offers a meditative perspective for interpreting the content, guiding viewers in bidding farewell to the old world. After this farewell, new things are awaiting us. The future is unknown, and you are invited to join the next war.


©邢万里 Xing Wanli

乐园 VI / Paradise VI 


布面油画 / Oil on canvas 

151 × 106 cm


Xing Wanli's work points to the non-linear narrative structures found in literary texts and utilizes semiotic theories to explore the relationship between the materiality of signifiers and the psychological representations of signifieds. Drawing from experiences in real life, he reconstructs and transforms these texts into scenes centered around the theme of "memory." His imagery focuses on the interplay between text and sensory experience, using fragmented elements to reassemble the virtual reality of images, texts, and memories in the electronic age.


As social and economic structures and labor relations become increasingly complex, flexible, and decentralized, postmodern labor dynamics and social production relationships are shifting towards temporariness and instability. However, whether in times of change or shifts in architectural functions, the unique space of the granary continues to symbolize a profound and romanticized reverence for labor. This enduring symbol serves as a rich and romantic starting point for contemporary discussions.

编辑: 水溶
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