
日期:2025-03-19 15:14:08 来源:北京公社

展览 >正在展出|北京公社正在展出谢墨凛个展『白色』

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正在展出  Current

Xie Molin‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

2025.03.15 - 2025.05.10

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数字时代的白上白 9.55 _ 2024


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数字时代的白上白 8.45 _ 2024 _ 细节


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Beijing Commune is pleased to present Xie Molin's solo exhibition "White," opening on 15 Mar 2025. The exhibition features the artist’s latest series of eight acrylic works in white employing his signature machine-painting approach. The stark white lays bare the similarities and differences, progressions and contradictions, illuminating Xie's deeper exploration and understanding of reality through his distinctive artistic methodology.
Since his first self-made three-axis painting machine inspired by cutting plotters, Xie has dedicated himself to re-approaching painting through the act of "making." Often in his work, the image embodies an intricate interplay between artist, machine, and canvas through Xie’s intuitive engagement with form. In “White,” however, unified in dimensions and color–the color of the probably purist form, the group of eight paintings spotlight a series of progressive transformations that advance to the breathtaking proximity between the paralleling vertical lines, approaching the limits of the relationship between the rigid machine and the fluid paint.

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数字时代的白上白 9.50 _ 2024 _ 侧面

For Xie, who has spent years working intimately with various mechanical paintbrushes—saw blades of different serrations, steel needles of varying sizes—and diverse paint viscosities, the precision limits can be told rather empirically than deductively. Yet with juxtapositions of the works made in different precisions, from seemingly less developed to top-notch, similarities and differences in the series stoically speak to the overwhelming sentiment in modern production of constantly progressing and updating.

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Titled White on White in the Digital Age, the latest series appears even more radically objective when deprived of the chromatic rhythms in Xie’s past works. Rather than something inherent to “the object,” it is a permeating sense of objectivity exuded from the “making”——the mechanical and numerical control and the formal and ideal deduction. And it is this “making” with the modern-day approach where Xie dives deep into the ways of constructing and knowing “the objective" overarched by modernity. As he iterates, "Rather than deriving images from reality, I incline to explore and create with the methods which turn out as works that connect to reality.”

The core of this series lies in the eternal conflicts and paradox within the ways of constructing and knowing “the objective.” For Xie, "white" is a symbol of inherent paradox: "There is no absolute white; white always entangles with black." Under varying light and angles, the paintings in white exhibit starkly contrasting visual effects: when moving around the pieces, the interplay of horizontal and vertical lines creates opposing light-dark relationships seen from two different sides; while at certain stances, the square in the square canvas together with the intricate details vanish, rendering the canvas seemingly empty. Somewhere between material white and shifting shadow, complex weaving and minimalist forms, and digital simulation and sublime light shimmers Xie’s evocative read on the natural duality in Tao Te Ching and Zhuangzi: "When yang reaches its limit, it becomes yin; when yin reaches its limit, it becomes yang.” [1]

[1] translated by Wing-Tsit Chan in A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1963), 160.

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谢墨凛的个展曾举办于复星艺术中心、北京公社、佩斯香港等地。谢墨凛的作品曾展出于奥地利列奥尼格博物馆、韩国SongEun艺术空间、北京松美术馆、上海龙美术馆、旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆、宾夕法尼亚州迪金森学院、荷兰波伊曼·凡·布宁根博物馆、美国亥俄州立大学城市艺术中心、明尼苏达州古斯塔夫阿道尔夫学院 Hillstrom 美术馆、迈阿密卢贝尔家族收藏馆、温州昊美术馆、北京泰康空间、北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心、北京中央美术学院美术馆等。谢墨凛的作品被荷兰De Heus-Zomer收藏、上海复星艺术基金会、法国 DSL 基金会、瑞士Uli Sigg收藏、纽约多姆斯收藏、北京泰康收藏等美术馆及机构收藏。

Xie Molin was born in 1979 in Wenzhou, China. He received his BFA from the Central Academy of Fine Arts (China) and his MFA from Edinburgh College of Art (Scotland). He currently lives and works in Beijing. From the beginning of refitting the first painting machine himself, Xie Molin gradually formed his own unique path in painting. His embrace of the “machine" stems not only from his need for a more precise expression of the stylistic quality of painting but also from the conceptual meaning. "Machine" can be used by artists to replace traditional tools to make a new exploration of the creation form, and this practical experience itself also corresponds to the multiple imaginations of the possibilities brought by technology in the current Chinese culture as well.

Xie’s solo exhibitions have been held at Fosun Foundation (Shanghai), Beijing Commune (Beijing), Pace (Hong Kong), etc. His artworks have been exhibited in Museum Liaunig (Carinthia), Songeun Art Space (Seoul),  Song Art Museum (Beijing), Long Museum (Shanghai), Asian Art Museum (San Francisco), Dickinson College (PA), Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (Rotterdam), Urban Arts Space of Ohio State University (OH), Hillstrom Museum at Gustavus Adolphus College (MN), Rubell Family Collection (Miami), How Art Museum (Wenzhou), Taikang Space (Beijing), Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing), the Art Museum of China Central Academy of Fine Arts (Beijing), etc. His works have been collected by De Heus-Zomer Collection (Netherland), Fosun Art Foundation (Shanghai), DSL Collection (France), Uli Sigg Collection (Switzerland), Domus Collection (New York), Taikang Art Collection (Beijing), etc.

编辑: 朱梦雅
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