


时间:2011-01-05 13:50:29 来源:


文 / 陆云华


Difference Idea of Art about East and West
by Lu Yunhua

The main kinds of Western painting that introduced into China are Western classical paintings and Impressionist paintings. The realism of Soviet Union had a profound influence on Chinese painting in 1950s. Later, because of political reasons, the realistic painting had developed quickly and became the mainstream of Chinese art, it had influenced several Chinese generations . Over the years, the Chinese people is destined to face some puzzle in China.

In my opinion,abstract painting could be the closest to the origin of painting. As abstract paiting is different from other painting forms, it doesn't  contain any religious factors , words ,or any sketch of concrete things.It attached importance to the reflect of subjective personal feelings. In other words, the origin of painting should reflect the individual's subjective world, rather than a replication of objective thing.

Traditional painting has been developed into a very extreme level in terms of drawing the shape of an object. It expressed the literature plot or the simulation plot of religion by drawing the shape of  the object accurately. Therefore, their aesthetic standards are nearly the same. But abstract painting is subjective that it expressed personal feeling of individual artists. Subjective expression of the spirit. It's personal and various.It cannot be judged by the same aesthetic standard.

Traditional painting attach great importance to the shape of the object. Abstract painting attach great importance to the subjective and personal feeling.

In China,people feel good when they appreciate realistic painting because there is an objective thing and a literature plot in it. But when they appreciate the abstract painting they feel uneasy. “What does this painting mean? Why I cannot understand it at all?” That because the previous aesthetic standards cannot be used when they stand in front of an abstract painting.
Art critics explain abstract art in such a complicated way that disturb the artists. In fact, an abstract painter didn't think so much when they paint their work. They just want to record their own impulses.

Western artists are different from Chinese artists because of their different cultural backgrounds. When draw a line, Western artists pay attention to rhythm to meet their needs, however, the Chinese artists focus on changes to satisfy their feelings.
It's futile to paint an abstract painting by experience. Experience itself does not have the individuality. When a way of doing something turned into a kind of experience , it will turn into commonality. To express subjective feeling by commonality is ridiculous.

Abstract painting is from a kind of personal and individual behavior. It cannot meet all the need of people.Quite on the contrary, abstract painting is selective to the viewer.

There are intrinsical differences between traditional painting and abstract painting. The former stressed on the shape while the latter stressed on the painting language.

The soul of Chinese calligraphy lay in the structure of symbols, rhythm changes and personal knowledge. In this sense, abstract art is very similar to calligraphy.

I am only interested in the space of paintings. The language of space is richer and more implicit than body language.

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