


日期:2015-05-05 11:16:14 来源:

名家 >都市女性浮世绘——黄海燕作品浅析

  解熙宇 《画廊》2006年5、6期 p258 《都市女性浮世绘——黄海燕作品浅析》一文

  Xie Xiyu,editor of Gallery famous critic (seen in Gallery 2006 5-6 edition page 258 Urban Female Yamato-e-Analyzing of Huang Haiyan’s works)

  Metropolitan Female Yamato-e
  -Analyzing of Huang Haiyan’s works

  Young oil painter Huang Haiyan created many paintings taking the urban modern ladies as the subject in those two years. Why did he picture these beautiful women? Why did he choose the female as the theme? I think all of the viewers including both the professional persons and the common ones have a doubt in their minds. Although this question has become as common as gas, electricity and running water at home in the 21st century. When we refer to this question we may call it “Chinese Characteristics”. At the May 4th times, the global aesthetic conception was upset by wars. Opening after cultural revolution made China appear as one artist called: classics, modernism and post-modernism co-existing together. But now in the contemporary artistic camp, modernism is like a late train and the post-modernism becomes an early booker. Confronted with such situation, the Chinese aesthetic groups divided extremely. The most majority is with common aesthetic conception and the minority is the professional group educated by western aesthetic standard. Of course, Huang Haiyan is classified into the latter. However, if you want to know the pictures, you must learn something of the artist that is Huang Haiyan is a hefty man of Shandong Province and also he comes from a small village. I remembered once in a small restaurant Huang answered my questions above and the brief meaning is: He was born and grown up in a small village. At the seventies, the television brought a rather different life for the villagers, which stimulated all of them. And the fashionable ladies in the city brought a distinctive contrast against the county women. Until nowadays this images is carved deeply in the artist’s minds and is influencing his aesthetic conception. Therefore, even Huang got a comfortable living condition after he graduated from a famous university in Shandong province he still decided to accept further education in Beijing. This choice made by him endows him an opportunity to meet Mr. Ge Pengren and lays a foundation for his latter achievements. Under Mr. Ge’s earnest teachings, he started to create his own works in his own way.
  Huang was majored in artist theory in China Art Institute. His study on the works of French imagist lays a foundation for his own creating style. At this period he had to follow the rules of grand master and also he wanted to pursue his own creativity. After a tedious period he found his so-called “perfectness” after struggling and clashing.
  Gradually Huang Haiyan becomes an artist mainly depicting beautiful ladies. People may ask if he is to do so, he should also observe them and care about ladies, care about their joys and their sorrows. Furthermore he has to pay attention to the problem of feminism and the relationship between ladies and the paintings. From the second half of 20th century, multi-explanation of arts becomes an interesting and profound subject .So in Huang Haiyan’s recent works he displays the picture characteristics. Although Huang Haiyan’s works has attracted many collectors’ interests, he is not satisfied with his achievements. He will continue to explore the far field and will never give up the study of this metropolitan female theme.

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