


日期:2015-06-02 14:53:46 来源:半张图艺术馆

展览 >【展讯】静水声·抽象艺术邀请展


  2015/6/13(周六)6p.m.to 8
  万鸣、李腾飞、王晓蓉、索秀、帅鹰、陈琳、禹露、于航、凌慧华、李大宪、许方正、杨在昇一切存在都有其必然的原因和方式,外部的原因是其运动的原因,内部的原因是目的因,同一个对象,它可以被视作是具体的表象、具体的概念、抽象的质料的组合物,或者是无数分子的聚集体;一方面我们可以根据对象的功能,对我们而言的意义或价值来定义其存在,另一方面我们可以根据其存在本身的外部原因来定义它;一张桌子的在场我们可以直接称呼它是桌子,同时也可以说那是一些点、线和色块,或者按照材质,我们还可以说那是一堆木头,按照价值,也可以是一件“礼物”、一个“恩惠”……Everything thatexists has its inevitable reasons and ways. External reasons are the cause ofits movements, while internal reasons are the goals. The same object can beseen as a combination of specific appearance, concepts, abstract materials, oran aggregate of numerous molecules. On one hand, we can define its presencebased on the function of object, the meaning or value to us. On the other hand,we can define it according to its own external causes. We can call a table onsite a table, but it also can be viewed as some points, lines and colors, apile of wood in accordance with the material, or a "gift", a"grace" according to the value…认识论上的格物致知原则告诉我们,人类知性不可能超出客观存在而独立构建自然知识,我们的知识时刻被对象所决定着,这是一种先天的不自由,而作为艺术——这门专为自由而生的,与自然法则相对立的关乎自由法则的任性技巧,是否从未背弃我们?这不禁让人怀疑:艺术家对事物的感受和兴趣是否也被对象决定着?历史的经验向我们表明,观众从未停止寻求刺激,渴望感受上的“被执行”,而艺术家在开始创作之前则是表象世界的直接受众,如果我们说“一切皆因心态而使然”,或者“美不自美,因人而彰”,那么我们很快会发现,外界的物质环境对我们造成的影响是强大到不容忽视的,我们必须承认也必须正视。当我们在夏天,被热辣的太阳晒得走不动路时,我们还能说阳光很美吗,或者还能对伟大的太阳产生膜拜的情感吗?当你觉得你所在的城市无聊透顶,而产生想去西藏旅游的想法时,你还能说“心是美的,哪里就都是美的”这样的话吗,你被炒鱿鱼了,即将面对失业,难道你还会觉得这很有意思?在大多数时候,现实中遇到的种种顺与不顺总会给我们造成积极或负面的情感,我们的感受似乎总是被生活中的材料所操纵,而始终无法凌驾于这些材料之上,因而我们的感受好像处处被对象所决定着。
  The theory ofto obtain knowledge byinvestigation of things in cognition indicates that human intellectuality can’texceed objective existence to build knowledge independently. Our knowledge is determinedby the object from time to time, which is a congenital lack of freedom.However, as a willful skill designed for freedom, related to the law of free willopposed to the law of nature, whether art never abandonus,which makes one wonder whether the artist's feelings andinterests of things are also determined by the object? Historical experiencehas shown us that the audience never stops seeking for stimulus, desiring"esthetic execution". The artist is the direct audience of phenomenalworld before creation. If we say "everything exists to show itsmentality," or "a beauty shows her beauty for others rather than for herself,"we will soon find that the influence of external physical environment is toostrong to be ignored, and we must admit and face it. When we can't walk waybecause we have been tanned by the sun in summer, can we still say the sun isbeautiful, or worship the sun? When you feel your city boring, and want totravel in Tibet, can you say "if you think it beautiful, it is beautiful"?If you're fired, and face unemployment, do you think this interesting? Facedwith a variety of favorable circumstance or troubles in reality, we havepositive or negative emotions most of the time, our feelings alwaysseem to be manipulated by materials in life, rather than overriding thesematerials. Thus we feel as if we are manipulated by objects everywhere.
  For a long period of time,artists have tried their best to create "flowing water" to stimulatetheir audience, and controlled the pace, trend and purity of waterpotential in accordance with their needs, which is trend to hope to provide theaudience with fixed effects through the transformation of external environment.This model is base on a certain innate principles of psychology or socialideology, not just on spectators. Probably their initial feelings are "tobe performed". As a sound source, the "flowing water" holds acertain right to speak. Both the artist himself and the audience are to becalculated within the right. The artist looses the beauty and charm here, andit makes the artist no longer an artist. "Still water" is on the opposite,serving as the initial methodology provided by Chan Buddhism to solve problemsthrough changing "the trend of external action" into"internal harmony." Therefore, life forms of standing water are farmore than that of flowing water. Although those contradictions and doubtsrelated to "decision" and "accidental event" still remainunresolved, "listening to the sound of still water" is still thetopic making us mad and giving us the courage to explore. This exhibition takes"quiet sound of water" as the theme, aiming to explore thehighest degree of freedom of the mind. Here, we will avoid the confused historyof art in a clever way to face the truth in the innermost recesses of theheart.

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