


日期:2015-07-10 15:12:35 来源:卓克艺术网

展览 >2015集美X阿尔勒东西方摄影对话国际摄影季


  展览时间:2015 年11 月15 日- 12 月16 日
  2015 年7 月7 日下午18:00-19:30
  Nord Pinus 酒店
  萨姆·斯道兹(Sam Stourdzé):发起人& 总监
  荣荣:发起人& 总监
  萨姆?斯道兹介绍了整个艺术节,热烈介绍了将要与厦门集美的合作,并介绍了荣荣先生和李振华先生。作为长期与三影堂摄影艺术中心的合作伙伴,在草场地的阿尔勒系列年度项目之后,萨姆在接棒老主席弗朗索瓦?赫伯尔(Fran?ois Hébel)之后,继续拓展亚洲关系,与中国和常年合作的摄影专业机构,并持续发展摄影和延伸摄影理念。萨姆还强调了要带最好的五个展览到厦门集美。
  今年的阿尔勒摄影节有着多达3500张作品的大型摄影艺术盛会,并不断拓展其可能性,萨姆尤其谈到了关于摄影和音乐、电影的关系,今年的现场出现了另外一只属于民间参与的线索voice off festival,专注于那些来自手工、纯艺术领域的艺术实践。
  阿尔勒摄影节遍布阿尔勒全城,在联合广场的主展览,以及位于新的梵高基金会中心的办公附近,老式的10-14世纪期间的建筑,几乎遍布了当代摄影艺术大师的作品,圣安娜教堂的展览《另一种语言》(Another Language),包括了七位日本摄影艺术名宿和一位八零后新星:深瀬昌久(Masahisa Fukase),細江英公(Eikoh Hosoe),猪瀬光(Kou Inose),森山大道(Daido Moriyama),内藤雅子(Masatohi Naito),野村佐紀子(Sakiko Nomura),須田一政(Issei Suda),Daisuke Yokota。英国艺术家Martin Parr等都在这次的摄影节成为被宣传最广的摄影作品和项目。来自Global Company(Paolo Woods与Gabriele Galimberti)的The Heavens(天堂项目),更是将观念艺术带入到摄影节,为摄影节带来了全球旅行,经济和文化深层转变的洞察,同时揭示了国家主义、民族主义之虚无。
  摄影双年展、摄影三年展以及国际摄影节等形式推广传统及当代摄影艺术,带动相关产业和区域经济文化发展,是当今许多国家、地区的做法。国际著名摄影节法国“阿尔勒摄影节”(Arles les rencontres de la photographie)经历了多年的发展,形成了自己的特色和模式,并且在当今世界经济和文化变革的情况下不断求新。
  集美X 阿尔勒正是在这一专业领域和公众的双重需求中产生,有着特别文化积淀,历史涉及国际海洋文化之遗留。集美X 阿尔勒将更深远的影响到周边国家地区的文化,以及和欧洲所构建的基于当代图像的全球化特征。
  集美是中国东南沿海著名港口风景旅游城市——厦门的一个行政区,被称为“海上花园”的一颗璀璨明珠。这里人文底蕴深厚,风光旖旎,人杰地灵,是被毛泽东主席誉为“华侨旗帜、民族光辉”的爱国侨领陈嘉庚先生的故里。陈嘉庚先生创办的集美学村已有百年历史,辖区有12 所高等院校和十几万的师生,是闻名遐迩的文教区。集美交通便捷,经济发达,生态优美,形成了软件信息服务、机械装备制造、商务商贸旅游、文化演艺四大主导产业,生活在集美的人们安居乐业,幸福和谐。
  集美X 阿尔勒:国际摄影季将遵循阿尔勒国际摄影节的国际展览经验和内容,通过三影堂摄影中心整合适合亚洲和中国的经验和内容,立足集美区文化产业战略定位,综合考虑当地社会资源、文化资源,做中国最好的国际摄影季,提升集美的国际知名度进而带动集美文化产业蓬勃发展。集美X 阿尔勒:国际摄影季由厦门市集美区支持,三影堂摄影艺术中心主办。集美X 阿尔勒:国际摄影季由阿尔勒摄影节主席萨姆·斯道兹(Sam Stourdzé)先生、三影堂摄影艺术中心创办人荣荣先生共同发起,独立策展人李振华先生为项目执行总监。
  集美X 阿尔勒:国际摄影季分为:国际摄影动态、相遇、两种乡愁、时尚与摄影、城市巡航、延展摄影、独立影事、在地行动、重影重生、奖项与收藏等板块。涉及到超过十个国家和地区,一百位以上国内外摄影艺术家,超过千幅作品的集结。
  Jimei X Arles
  Encounters the East & West
  International Photo Festival
  Date: November 15-December 16, 2015
  Location: Yuanbo Garden, Tan Kan Kee Art Center, Jimei City Center
  This day in age, many countries and regions are forming photo biennials, triennials, andinternational photo festivals to promote traditional and contemporary art photography whilespurring on the economic and cultural development of the areas in which they are held. Theinternationally renowned “Les Rencontresd’Arles” already has an illustrious history and has developed its own unique style and model. Furthermore, it continues to strive for change amidst today’s global economic and cultural transformation.
  Jimei X Arles emerges precisely from the convergent needs of both this specialized discipline and the broader public. Xiamen possesses a truly unique cumulative cultural heritage and history of overseas interaction and exchange. Jimei X Arles aims to have a widespread effect upon culture in its neighboring countries and regions, as well as that of the global characteristics of contemporary photography, which originated in Europe.
  Jimei is a famed port and tourist destination of China’s Southeastern coastal region — one of Xiamen’s administrative areas, it has been dubbed “The Garden on the Sea” and a resplendent pearl. Bursting with culture and exquisite scenery, it is the hometown of patriotic hero Chen Jiageng, once called “the banner of overseas Chinese; glory of the nation” by Chairman Mao Zedong. Chen Jiageng founded the Jimei School Village, which now boasts over a hundredyears of history, 12 universities and colleges, tens of thousands of teachers and students. It is a cultural and educational area that enjoys widespread renown. Jimei prides itself on convenient transportation, a flourishing economy, and magnificent natural surroundings. It is comprised of software/information technology services, mechanized equipment production, business and commercial tourism, as well as the leading cultural performing arts industry. Life for those inJimei is peaceful and content, happy and harmonious.
  Jimei X Arles International Photo Festival will rely upon Les Rencontresd’Arles’ extensive international exhibition expertise and content, while incorporating Three Shadows Photography Art Centre’s comparable Asian and Chinese exhibition expertise and content, all strategically situated within Jimei district’s newly developed arts & culture estate. These elements will be synthesized with local civic and cultural resources to create China’s best international photo festival, bringing Jimei into the international public sphere and encouraging the expansion of its cultural industry.
  Jimei X Arles International Photo Festival is supported by Xiamen, Jimei district and organized by Three Shadows Photography Art Centre. Jimei X Arles International Photo Festival was jointly initiated by Sam Stourdze, Director of Les Rencontresd’Arles, and RongRong, Founder of Three Shadows Photography Art Centre. Independent curator Li Zhenhua will serve as Artistic Director of the event.
  Jimei X Arles International Photo Festival is thematically divided as follows: International Trends in Photography, Encounter the East, Fashion & Photography, City Navigation, Double Nostalgia, Local Action, Extended Photography, Audio Visual, and Prize & Collection. The festival will encompass more than ten countries and regions, over a hundred photographers from China and abroad, and over a thousand photographs.
  Artron Art Centre and Modern Media are the offical partnerships of "Jimei X Arles Encounters The East & West International Photo Festival".
  法国发布会现场 (秦铭延 摄影)











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